*I received this book from Net Galley in return for an honest review*
4 Stars for Always My Own by Tawdra Kandle.
Trent and Elizabeth’s story began in “Underneath The Christmas Tree” and if you’ve been a fan of Tawdra’s books then you would’ve met Trent before in The One trilogy and as you read this book you’d see how all the characters from some of Tawdra’s previous books are connected to each other. However, Always My Own can be read as a stand alone. The novella “Underneath The Christmas Tree” isn’t even necessary to understand this novel but reading the novella about the start of Trent and Elizabeth’s relationship gives you a bigger understanding of their relationship. The other novels from The One trilogy and the first book in the Always Love series don’t need to be read before this novel but they do add more to this story if you read them before reading Always My Own.
Always My Own follows Elizabeth Hudson and Trent Wagoner. The story starts off following Elizabeth as she moves to Trent’s hometown Burton, Georgia to start her new job - she just purchased the local law practice. It seems that Trent is no longer in the picture, but that could all change. Trent finds out Elizabeth is in Burton unexpectedly, the place they both thought they wouldn’t see each other. We find out that both of them are still married, but their marriage is on the rocks as Trent walked out on Elizabeth. As the story goes out we find out the reason for Trent walking out on Elizabeth and we follow them on their story about fighting to save their relationship. It is clear that both Trent and Elizabeth still love each other.
We have the hero - Trent Wagoner who is a reformed man whore who has some family problems that he has to deal with which brings him back to his hometown of Burton, Georgia. Trent doesn’t feel worthy of love because of his past and he has to deal with his family problem until he can fully be with Elizabeth. But what Elizabeth doesn’t know is that Trent is dealing with something else from his past now that he has returned to Burton.
Then we have the heroine - Elizabeth Hudson who is a lawyer even though its not something she wants to do with her life. Elizabeth is the strong one in this story which is refreshing since its normally the hero thats the strong character. Elizabeth tries to find her place in the town while battling living with Trent and his mother while also figuring out if she can trust Trent again.
“I'd kept it on even after I'd left, only tucking it into my pocket for safety's sake...I was sure Elizabeth hadn't noticed it had been on my finger the night I'd picked her up at the Road Block. But when I'd seen her ringless finger, I'd left mine off, too.”
I really did love this book, just like I like all of Tawdra’s books. You feel connected to the characters and you can’t help falling in love with them. Tawdra’s writing makes you feel all the emotions the characters experience throughout the story and by doing so she draws you in and makes you fall more in love with the characters as the story goes on.
This book was a smooth read and each scene flowed into the next really well. I read this book in one sitting because I didn’t want to put it down. I read this book super quickly because of this. I ended up staying up into the early hours of the morning because I needed to keep reading.
I’m a big fan of Tawdra’s books and I’m always keen to read the books she releases. I would definitely recommend this book to others. I throughly enjoyed it.
Purchase "Underneath My Christmas Tree" (It's Free!!) to read the start of Trent and Elizabeth's love story on any digital book platform.
Purchase "Always My Own" here:
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